The Kordz product code system, or schema, is structured to efficiently catalogue our diverse product offerings within the constraints of typical business management software system character limits. It’s best to think of it like a language that once understood, simplifies the identification of specific products from their codes. Like a language, product codes schemas evolve over time with some occasional exceptions to the rules.
Kordz Product Code Schema
The foundational schema comprises a 6-digit prefix followed by 4 digits for sub-variants, 2 digits for colours, and optionally, a 2-digit suffix. Each segment is delineated by hyphens, resulting in a typical total length of 14 digits, or 17 digits with a suffix.
Currently, Kordz maintains two primary schemas:
1. Cable products
Kordz cable products follow the “K” schema, which can be understood as per the below graphic:

2. Terminations / Components
Kordz component products, which are connecting hardware that go on either ends of an unterminated product, follow the “T” schema, which can be understood as per the below graphic:

3. Others
Apart from the two above mentioned schemas, the nature of certain items make it impractical or unnecessary to stick to these schemas. For example, we do not predict having multiple product variations in the PRO3 RCA cable and TOSLINK cable families, and so have elected to maintain the pre-existing and more easily understood schema of “[Series Code] – [Type][Length]”. For merchandise items, we are using “[MER]-[Identifier]” style product codes.
Product Family Codes
Remembering Kordz product codes is not easy, and in order to ease communications in the sales channel we have introduced product Family Codes, which uses a few letters to describe a group of Kordz products. For example, we use ‘PRO-PC’ to stand for PRO SlimCat Patch Cords and ‘PRS-PC’ for their PRS counterpart. These family codes can be found on left most column of our pricelists.
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