DPL Labs

What is DPL Labs?

DPL Labs is an independent laboratory recognised as an industry leader in testing and verifying High-Speed Digital Signalling devices such as USB, Display Port, HDMI, Lightning and 1394.

Why DPL Labs?

With over a decade of experience working with high-speed digital transmission lines, DPL Labs® has developed an entirely new test and measurement standard specific to these types of transmissions. Incorporating traditional High-Speed testing methods and combining these results with field malfunction data creates case studies that provide a snapshot of the health and well-being of the entire A/V system environment. These case studies provide a direct correlation between test limits and failures that can now be analysed. This includes manufacturing inconsistencies, limited installation knowledge, test limit modifications, and a litany of additional tests not typically used for these types of test applications. From the initial HDTV release to the most current 8 and 10K systems the DPL Labs® 48G Reference Standard has now taken centre stage.

DPL Labs® headquarters facility in Ormond Beach, FL has developed a world-class state-of-the-art digital test laboratory. This laboratory has become the most precise and critically accurate Digital Video product performance testing currently offered. Utilising an exhaustive, multi-element testing regime, DPL Labs® engineers put all submitted products through an electronic ‘torture test’ and they continually optimise testing methodologies.

The products that excel in meeting DPL Labs® requirements are awarded with the prestigious “DPL Labs® 48G certification label.” This label assures you that a product will exceed your expectations in both performance and long-term reliability.

DPL Labs and Kordz

With our commitment to ‘Predictable Reliability’, Kordz is a proud DPL Labs® member. Our PRO3 Active Optical, PRO3 Active Copper and R.3 HDMI Cables are all DPL Labs® certified to offer our customers total reliability and peace of mind.

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